【 Activities 】‖ The first Photo Contest and 9th Anniversary of Hebei Synlight came to a successful conclusion

Mar 13,2024

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Time flies, Synlight has been more than 9 years since its establishment in 2012. Looking back on the past, those ordinary and moving bits emerge in front of each of us, bringing together a history of Synlight's development. In order to record the growth of Synlight footprint, show the majority of staff style, create a harmonious enterprise working atmosphere, enhance the feelings between departments, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary, the first photo contest was held in Hebei Synlight.

This photo contest through online voting and offline review of two forms, from more than 100 contestants selected 8 contestants, their works have a clear theme, novel composition, simple and moving. 

Here we take a look at their works. 


[Best Photographer Award] -- Contestant No. 10: Xu Xiaowei from Technical Department
 ~ Synlight Crystal, full of vitality, growing with you and me ~


[Best Work Award] -- Contestant No. 58: Chen Peng from crystal growth workshop



[Best Work Award] -- Contestant No. 58: Chen Peng from crystal growth workshop



[Best Theme Award] -- Contestant No. 21: Graphite processing Zou Yueqing

 The world is so bright, life is so beautiful

 it is because of you -- the light of hard workers, the greatest person! 


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【 Best Theme Award 】 -- No. 61 player: a field of technology calls

 countless days and nights, with the light people, do not forget the original heart to forge ahead

 for ten years of sharpening, ready to go, cast the envy of the world flower


【 Best theme Award 】 -- No. 36 player: Shi Qing of Personnel Administration Department 



【 Best theme Award 】 -- No. 12 player: The first photo of processing Liu Suling

was taken on January 26, 2020 (the second day of the first lunar month). In the national sudden epidemic sniping war,

they did not have bold words

but they stuck to their posts in the ordinary and made unremitting efforts. 



[Best Theme Award] -- No. 24 player: Crystal processing workshop Liu Juan serious work in you, is the most beautiful scenery with light, I would like to work with you side by side, create with light brilliant tomorrow ~ Bao Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold. With the light from research and development to mass production, from the initial dozens of people to the present hundreds of people, each step of development can not be separated from the efforts of the light people, through this photography competition works can also feel -- with the light of perseverance, hard struggle spirit. Hard work will eventually yield results. The long wind will sometimes break the waves, straight up the clouds to the sea! With the light people concentric with the same force, unremitting struggle, and forge ahead to sail international, glorious course, officially set sail!


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