Hebei latest "14th Five-Year Plan" issued! The third generation semiconductor, flexible display, integrated circuit is mentioned emphatically

Nov 26,2021

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Recently, the "14th Five-Year Plan" for Building a National Industrial transformation and upgrading Pilot Zone in Hebei Province (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). According to the plan, by 2025, Hebei will make great progress in industrial transformation and upgrading, with advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries and modern service industries becoming the main body of the industrial system, and the level of high-end, digital, green and intensive industries further improved. The basic capacity of industries in key areas has been significantly enhanced, the improvement of the industrial chain system has been accelerated, the industrial ecology has become more high-quality, the number of "specialized and special" and single champion enterprises has increased significantly, the degree of industrial agglomeration has been further improved, and a number of industrial parks with revenue exceeding 100 billion yuan and industrial clusters with characteristics exceeding 10 billion yuan have been formed.

1. Transforming and upgrading industries with traditional advantages. With a focus on making traditional industries high-end, smart and green, we will deepen technological upgrading of traditional industries, speed up the upgrading of processes, technologies, equipment and products, consolidate the market position of key areas, upgrade modernization, strengthen industrial competitiveness, and upgrade traditional industries.

2. Develop and strengthen strategic emerging industries. Focusing on key areas such as information intelligence, biomedicine and health care, new materials, and new energy, we will continue to develop at a high starting point, at a high level, and at a large scale, expand the scale of industries, diversify product categories, build industrial chains, strengthen competitiveness, and accelerate the development of emerging industrial clusters with important positions and market influence.

Information intelligence. We will accelerate the development of information intelligence manufacturing, focusing on new displays, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and modern communications, give full play to the comparative advantages of third-generation semiconductors, flexible displays, special chips, terahertz, communication equipment and robots, embed them in domestic and foreign industrial chains, improve subdivided industrial chains, and vigorously develop the manufacturing of related materials, components, instruments and equipment. To enhance the scale and market competitiveness of whole machines and terminal products, and build a number of electronic information manufacturing clusters with outstanding characteristics and obvious advantages.

New materials. Strengthen technological breakthroughs and application research of graphene in new energy fields such as lithium-ion batteries, carry out research and development and industrialization of new materials in electromagnetic, mechanics, radio frequency, environmental resistance and other fields, and develop and apply special materials for additive manufacturing in aerospace, automotive and other fields. Accelerate research and development and industrialization of new third-generation semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide single crystal and epitaxial materials, gallium arsenide, indium phosphide and single crystal germanium. To promote industrial cluster development, focus on building a number of high-end material industry bases such as Tangshan Steel and chemical new materials, Handan new functional materials, Hengshui new functional and composite materials, Chengde new vanadium and titanium materials, Xingtai Superalloy and Xindi New display materials.

(3) Improving the quality and upgrading the county's characteristic industries. Focusing on 6 major areas and 107 key characteristic industrial clusters, focusing on specialization, standardization and quality, focusing on industrial design, innovation ability, product quality and brand service, accelerating the transformation of characteristics to strengths, agglomeration to intensive transformation, scale advantage to capability advantage transformation, and focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of development and market competitiveness.

In the field of digital science and technology, focusing on leading enterprises such as new display and big data, we will vigorously develop supporting materials, components, equipment components and peripheral machine products, support the development of product design and research and data collection, storage, analysis and other scientific and technological services, improve supporting capabilities and levels, and improve the industrial chain and industrial ecology. Promote the construction of OLED light-emitting materials, color photoresist, touch integrated display modules and other projects, attract high-level mask plate, display chip, optical film, terminal machine and other enterprises to settle down, and create a regional flexible display industry base. It will actively develop core devices for 5G radio frequency front-end modules and sensors for smart terminals, promote research and development and production of high-end electronic materials such as semiconductor materials, microelectronics materials and new energy materials, and build industrial clusters for electronic information materials and components.

4. Supporting and fostering future industries with high potential. We will seize the opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, integrate industrial resources, support the development of industries with foundation and great potential, plan and deploy forward-looking, pioneering and disruptive industries of the future, make breakthroughs in a number of key areas, and build a system of industrial upgrading.
In terms of future industries, we will focus on key areas such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, biotechnology, blockchain, and terahertz to strengthen planning and industrial incubation, accelerate industrial breakthroughs, and create pioneering areas and new heights for future industrial development. We will introduce cutting-edge technologies, keep a close watch on the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, organize efforts to advance cutting-edge scientific and technological research and the introduction of cutting-edge technologies, carry out dynamic plans to transform major scientific and technological achievements, and support a number of industrialization projects on a rolling basis. Develop forward-looking industries, focus on artificial intelligence, the new generation of Internet, AR/VR, gene technology, etc., introduce and cultivate a number of leading enterprises, promote the transformation of a number of core technologies into products, achieve breakthroughs from 0 to 1, and collaborate with Beijing and Tianjin to build a cutting-edge industrial chain. It will foster disruptive industries, focusing on aethZ, blockchain, quantum communication, and carbon-based chips, promote the industrialization of innovative achievements, form a number of pioneering products, improve the upstream and downstream support of the industrial chain, and develop disruptive industrial clusters.



